01789 50 95 52 donna@52degreesnorthtravel.co.uk


Why Go?

Africa is the world’s second largest and second most-populous continent. It is one of the most interesting and diverse continents on earth. Being home to some of the most wonderful animals, such as giraffes and elephants, and an incredible variety of people and cultures. It is a continent known for its beautiful colorful clothing and its incredible history of artwork. Africa is where human beings first appeared on earth and the home of the world’s first greatest civilisation, Egypt, which dates back to 3300 BC.

Being split into North and South, wherever you find yourself on this big, beautiful continent, Africa has few peers when it comes to natural beauty.

Things To Do

  • Kenyan Safari
  • Table Mountain
  • Cape Peninsula
  • Mount Kilamanjaro
  • Egypt Giza Pyramid Complex
  • Scuba diving in the Red Sea


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